ocr: Fgae +Babesas babyfactores. Thist igure thov the relaive lke- hood - ofatemale bearing childenin hunerigateres sociebesvheresur- vivngt m aunyis far less certin than in modern industial socieies; tus te averege 12 year old - gilis likely t bear more chidren & te remainder of her lifeim . e tan te arerage am - de nfent(vho maynot reach 12) or the areoge 30-year old (vhose remaining childbearing peats re limied).Across soceies, maes desire for feme des traces a amiler curve.Adeped fom Dayendwisa,98.Fgue 3,p.74) L < - > 10 15 20 Su 55 so Ageof Fem - de inaNehrd-Ferdity ForegingSociety